Monday, January 14, 2013

The Flu in NYC

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services recently repeated its recommendation that those who have not had a flu shot should get one quickly. The FDA said that it generally takes two weeks after the vaccine is administered before it becomes effective. During that time, there is a risk of acquiring the illness. Therefore, the FDA recommends getting the vaccine as soon as possible, reports.

A strong viral flu strain is making its way across the city. The big box corner drug stores - RiteAid, Duane Reade, Walgreens - are giving shots to adults and seniorps but not to children even though the Governor has advised everyone to get a flu shot this year. Their corporate policy prohibits staff from administering to children, as staff training has been adult oriented. As pediatrician offices are running out of supply, Doctors are encouraging a policy change as the benefits out weigh the alternative.

The New York State Nurses Association called on Mayor Michael Bloomberg to set up free flu vaccination locations in areas hit hard by Superstorm Sandy, especially because in some neighborhoods, health care facilities, doctor's offices and pharmacies are still closed. Less than a third of city residents have been vaccinated, according to the New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene.

Stay healthy New York.

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