Thursday, March 6, 2014


On Sunday, March 2nd, 14 dogs and their human families came together to celebrate the dogs' adoption from Puerto Rico and to reunite the dogs with their canine friends and families. Wearing sparkly party hats and festive leis, the pups played, wrestled, jumped, slid on a yellow doggie-size slide, and posed for pictures while their human families met and bonded over their shared adoption experience. The dogs’ adoption counselors, representatives from Animal Lighthouse Rescue, attended the event to catch up with their canine friends and see firsthand the canine-human bonds they helped to createKai, a mother dog, made the trip all the way from New Jersey to reunite with her five daughters, who were all rescued from a parking lot in Puerto Rico. El Faro de los Animales, a shelter in Puerto Rico, sheltered the dogs before Animal Lighthouse Rescue brought them to the United States where they could find forever homes. Camp Canine provided foster care for the dogs before they were adopted by local families.


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Tania Isenstein, owner of Camp Canine, said, "It’s been such an exciting journey to see these dogs placed in homes with human families where they bring so much love and happiness. We loved to see them reunited with their doggy friends and families, too." Julie Sinaw, president of Animal Lighthouse Rescue, said, “It was so emotional seeing these dogs who, just a year ago, were close to death. Now they are all happy, healthy and so loved.” 

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