Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Free and Cheap in NYC Tuesday July 24

TUESDAY IN THE PARK WITH STEVE. The Public Theatre kicks off previews for “Into the Woods,” Stephen Sondheim and James Lapine’s 1997 Tony-winning musical about fairy tales, at the Delacorte in Central Park. It stars Donna Murphy, Amy Adams, Denis O’Hare, Ivan Hernandez and Chip Zien. It will open Aug. 9 and play through Aug. 25. 8 p.m. Free. Tickets will be distributed at the show or you can try the Public’s virtual ticket lottery at shakespeareinthepark.org. Enter the Delacorte at 81st and Central Park West or 79th St. and Fifth Ave. (212) 539-8750.

HELLO, WALL-E! Celebrate “Summer Movie Night” in Brooklyn with Disney/Pixar’s 2008 Oscar-winning film about a robot living in a world destroyed by pollution and overconsumption. 8 p.m. Free. Jane Bailey Memorial Garden, 327-329 Greene Ave., between Classon and Franklin Aves.

THE REEL WORLD. Hudson River Park’s weekly fishing workshop shows everyone, ages 5 and up, how to make the catch of the day. No equipment required. Noon-5 p.m. Free. Pier 25. Info: hudsonriverpark.org.

SAMBA TIME AND THE LIVIN’ IS EASY. Luisa Maita, winner of Best New Artist at the Brazilian Music Awards, will headline at the City Winery. Born in San Paolo, she sings samba, bossa nova, jazz, pop an funk, and her concert’s hosted by Brasil SummerFest and the 4th annual Hudson square Music and Wine Festival. 5:30 p.m. Free. 155 Varick St. (212) 608-0555.

MISTER SANDMAN. Bring your whole family and your buckets to “Castles Made of Sand,” a castle-building competition at Franklin D. Roosevelt Beach. 11 a.m.-1 p.m. Free. Midland Beach Parking Lot, Father Capodanno Blvd. and Hunter Ave., Staten Island. (718) 816-5558.

MAKE THEIR OWN KIND OF MUSIC. Students from the NYC Summer Arts Institute will kick off the first of three showcases of their music at the Sony Plaza Public Arcade. Noon-1 p.m. Free. Madison Ave., between 55th and 56th Sts. Info: sonywondertechlab.com.

ANDES ARE DANDY. If the sweet sounds of the pan flute are music to your ears, check out Tahuantinsuyo. This award-winning folk group from Peru will play traditional Andean melodies at Gantry Plaza State Park in Long Island City. 7 p.m. Free. 49th Ave. and Center Blvd., Queens. Info: liveatthegantries.com.

FOOD, GLORIOUS, FOOD! The Bronx Terminal Market’s Rooftop Films series is serving up “Ratatouille,” the 2007 Oscar-winning animated movie. Baron Ambrosia, who stars in his “Culinary Adventures” on the Cooking Channel and owns the Marisco Centro Seafood Restaurant & Bar, also will host tastings and screen his “Bronx Flavor” show . 7:30 p.m. Free. 610 Exterior St., Bronx. (718) 513-7725.

A LITTLE KNIGHTS MUSIC. The Knights, an acclaimed classical music group, headlines at the Naumburg Historic Bandshell. Hosted by Midge Woolsey of WQXR, the concert will include Aaron Copland’s “Quiet City,” Joseph Haydn’s “Symphony No. 6” and a “World Premiere” by Matt Herskowitz. 7:30 p.m. Free. Mid-park from 66th to 72nd Sts. Info: naumburgconcerts.org.

Source:NY Daily News

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